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Lemon Squeezy
Lemon Squeezy
Google Oauth
Google Oauth

Built using cutting-edge technologies to deliver the best SaaS boilerplate.

Payments and Subscriptions

For billing and subscriptions for user, LemonSqueezy are fully integrated and ready to use.

  • Create checkout sessions
  • Handle webhooks create, pause and cancel subscriptions
  • Sync product to database
  • 🚧Stripe & Stripe Webhooks - Comming soon
12 hours saved


Use your preferred database effortlessly with Prisma ORM, the preferred choice for modern database management.

  • Ready to use MongoDB database integration with Prisma
  • Switch to MySQL or PostgreSQL anytime
  • Efficient performance and easier database management
  • Ready schema and can customize base on your preference
4 hours saved


Authentication is handled by Auth.js, allowing you to fully customize every aspect of your authentication flow.

  • Social Login/Auth (Google, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook and many more!)
  • Magic Link Authentication
  • User data sync to MongoDB
  • Private/protected routes
6 hours saved


Transactional Emails

Send transactional emails (magic links) by simply adding SMTP credentials and using ready-made email templates.

  • Ready email transactional using Resend.com
  • Send magic link to email or customize any email sending
  • Built-in email template for magic link using @react-email
4 hours saved

Analytics, SEO & Chat Support

Track user journeys using Google Analytics GA4 integration, with Google SEO readiness. Interact with your clients using Crisp chat integration.

  • Google analytics GA4 tagging integration
  • SEO meta tags optimized
  • Crisp chat integration to interact with your user.
8 hours saved

User Dashboard

Supercharge end-users with a user dashboard using pre-built components.

  • Protected route page and public page
  • User subscription page
  • User billing page.
12 hours saved

You save almost 60+ hours of development time! 🎉

Nextfast SaaS boilerplate helps you launch your project in days, not months.

Hey, it's Aldrin 👋

I am a passionate software developer over the years, I've encountered the same challenges repeatedly when starting new SaaS projects—integrating essential features like authentication, database management, SEO, analytics, payment processing, and email transactions.

To streamline this process and help fellow developers and entrepreneurs, I decided to create a comprehensive Next.js boilerplate.

This tool is designed to save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: bringing your unique vision to life. With built-in solutions for common needs, you can launch your project in days, confident that you have a solid foundation to build upon.

Save time and money allowing you to concentrate on what truly matters: growing your business.

Ship Early and Earn the early you ship the more to have a chance to earn more.

Please support me on my journey as a newbie creator. I'm open for collaboration or work on you in your side project, reach out to me in Linkedin.

Our simple 💰 price that fits your needs

Nextfast is designed with unlimited flexibility under the hood.

Lifetime Access



  • Resend emails & react email template
  • Google Oauth & Magic Links
  • UI Components & animations
  • Lemon Squeezy Payments
  • Prisma/MongoDB
  • Google analytics, crisp chat & SEO ready
  • Lifetime repository access for one user
  • Access to discord server for support
  • Unlimited usage of code & unlimited projects
  • Lifetime updates

Pay with credit card or paypal

Frequently asked 💬 questions

Everything you need to know about the product.

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Nextfast - A Next.js SaaS boilerplate | Product Hunt